Expert Speaker Onboarding Information
What do we need from you for our clients?
Session Description
Use a maximum of 150 words about the session and 120 words about yourself and write it as if we are writing about your session (so: In this session you learn…, etc). Make it as practical as possible and indicate what people learn from your session.
Make sure to have a short and catchy Title, that also makes the subject clear

Headshot Examples
A summary in 3 parts about your sessions to give the client a better look int how the session is built.
1. Nick explains what bad time management does with people's physical and mental health.
2. 4 case studies on companies that changed their time management.
3. Three practical tips and new ways of working to improve mental health and productivity
3 key learnings
Three key points about what the audience will learn from your sessions. What will they walk away with after your 1 hour Leqture.
Example information on our client portfolio

Additional Information
Send us your permission to record your session for the employees who were unable to attend live. The recording is only for internal client use.
Technical check:
The moment you are booked, we will schedule a technical check with you to make sure the live session will run smooth.
Important info:
Other important things we should know? Like limited availability in a certain period?
Book tip:
Do you have a book tip referring to your leqture? Customers sometimes want to inspire their employees with books from our leqturers.
Send your information to: production@leqture.com
Get in Touch
James Wattstraat 77
1097 DL Amsterdam
The Netherlands
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